CIL being a large organization spread over eight states of the country, needs an integrated system across the organization in the form of a robust and proven state-of-the-art Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to effectively plan, manage and optimize organizational resources i.e. Men, Machines, Materials and Money to maximize the socio-economic value to its stakeholders.
The core functions to be covered under the scope of ERP are Project Management, Production & Planning, Marketing & Sales, Asset and Plant Maintenance Management, Purchasing / Procurement, Contracts and Materials Management, Finance & Management Accounting, and Human Resources Management including Payroll and Employee Self-Service.
ERP will lead to a number of tangible benefits such as consolidation of operational costs, enhanced productivity, faster collections, improved cycle times, efficient asset management, expense control, inventory reduction, improved work life balance of senior management, etc. ERP also provides intangible benefits such as better employee and customer relationship, improved and well-informed decision making, transparency, compliance, standard and streamlined processes, improved employee satisfaction, business Intelligence, best business practices, etc. Similarly, HMS will help in effective utilization of the CIL hospital facilities, help provide patient-friendly interface and services, maintain employee health records and help initiate state-of-the art services like telemedicine for its employees.
Coal India’s ERP aims at One CIL implementation and One database based on One Business Blueprint.
ERP leads to better business processes through implementation of best practices which will in turn help us achieve CIL’s vision to emerge as a global player in the primary energy sector committed to provide energy security to the country by attaining environmentally & socially sustainable growth through best practices from mine to market.
Implementation of ERP in CIL is a transformational project which will impact the basic fabric of business processes and improve organizational efficiency.